This Longchamp bag is made in France. These are photos of an original Longchamp bag. I am not claiming to be an expert. If you want to know if you bought a FAKE Longchamp bag, consult the boutique, capeesh? I DO NOT AUTHENTICATE. Let me reiterate that for your peace of mind, buy only from Longchamp boutique.
In my previous post, you learned about how to spot a fake Longchamp. To help you visualize the difference between a fake and the original one, I borrowed a fake tote bag.
Longchamp | Fake VS Original (Authentic)
ORIGINAL Longchamp Le Pliage Type M (front) |
Right now, Longchamp has been manufacturing some of their bags from China. So, if you bought one that is Made in China, it could still be real. Photos below can help you spot the difference so look closely.
Compare Fake VS Original
ORIGINAL Longchamp Le Pliage Type M (back) |
FAKE tote bag |
Clear Plastic Disc | Inner Pocket
ORIGINAL clear plastic disc is used to reinforce snap |
FAKE no plastic disc was used |
ORIGINAL inner pocket can be found in the front of the bag |
FAKE inner pocket is found at the back side of the bag |
ORIGINAL correct spelling of the model of the bag |
FAKE misspelled words |
ORIGINAL zipper pull is YKK brand |
FAKE zipper pull is not YKK brand |
Note: FAKE zipper pull is so light.
Longchamp Logo | Lining | Piping
ORIGINAL Longchamp logo sits just right above the button |
FAKE logo is way up when you snap the bag |
ORIGINAL "ORIGINAL" is printed at back of the snap button |
FAKE uses an ordinary button |
ORIGINAL lining, piping and the made in France bag tag |
FAKE uses a different material for its piping |
tips are the result of my research online,
compiled and posted to help buyers not to get fooled by unscrupulous
Longchamp bags are from France but some bags are already made in China like this one.To see and compare an original from a fake, visit my other post.
I hope you learned a thing or two. Please visit and share:
Longchamp Le Pliage: How to Spot a Fake | Longchamp Les Planetes: How to Spot a Fake | How to spot a FAKE LACOSTE
Longchamp bags are from France but some bags are already made in China like this one.To see and compare an original from a fake, visit my other post.
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